GOD FORBID Guitarist Dallas Coyle Sounds Off Against Music Critics

January 7, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has written the latest entry for his weekly column on MetalSucks, The Hard R. This week Dallas shares his thoughts on music critics and how they might react to the band's new album Earthsblood, out February 24th. An excerpt follows:

"I'll tell you what to look for and what to disregard as BS when looking at reviews for our new album. 1. What to look for: Look for the reviews that break down the songs using music as a reference. Look for a review that talks about how this album differs from our last and what the growth from the last record to this one is. Look for reviews that say we're the best band ever. 2. What not to look for: Don't look for reviews that talk about a specific emotion the album as a whole represents. Don't look for reviews that say we're revitalizing any genre. Don't look for reviews that say I'm not good looking.

Earthsblood is a good record. I know it. My band knows it. The people who've heard it know it. We don't need people to lick our balls for us to know we've written a great record. You don't need critics in some magazine letting you know we made a great record. What you should know is that we tried to make the best album we could and that's why it's worth putting your cash down to support the record. We want to please the people who love the band. If we write shit records then we don't deserve to be doing this. If we write shit records, we'll get shit for it. Actually, that's not true. A lot of bands write shitty records and they are fucking huge. I'm not naming names!"

To read the entire blog entry, visit this location.

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