MARIONETTE In Writing Mode For Next Album; More Tour Dates Confirmed

January 13, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news marionette

Gothenburg, Sweden based metal sextet MARIONETTE has continued working hard on the material for their as-of-yet untitled sophomore release. Bassist and founding member Mikael Medin had the following to say about the bands progress in 2008, their upcoming UK tour, and the new songs.

“The New Year is upon us, and it’s going to be super busy! After Reiterfestspiele, we immediately began collecting and putting together song ideas and working on some new riffs: some of which had been written right after Spite was recorded, and some that were completely new. Before we knew it we had written a handful of songs. The writing process thus far has been awesome, working with our new guitarist Anton has been refreshing and rewarding: he has really been a great complementary force to where we are heading musically. Let’s just say that the next album will be more extreme in every way than Spite.

We leave for the UK this week and we are very stoked to be heading over there for the first time! The UK has always been a stronghold for Marionette fans – very supportive! - and we cannot wait to bring our live show over there. We look forward to meeting everyone at the show and enjoying our first trip as a band to the region: we know it won’t be the last! We will end the trip with a gig in Tilburg at Little Devil in the heart of the town. We are looking forward to this, as it is our first time playing in the Netherlands! See you in the moshpit”

The following are confirmed upcoming dates for Marionette:


17 – Academy 2, Newcastle, UK
19 – Bar Academy, Birmingham, UK
20 – Academy 2, Bristol, UK
21 – Bar Academy Islington, London, UK
23 – Little Devil, Tilburg, Netherlands (Kreator after-party!)


7 – Meeths, Gothenburg, Sweden

Pre-sale tickets can be purchased here for UK shows:

Marionette’s debut album, Spite, was released in North America via Koch/Listenable Records in September 2008. The album was released previously in April of that year via Listenable Records across Europe. Marionette recently completed a month long tour of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic with DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER, MUSTASCH, and Honigdieb. The music video for the song 'Burn Me' can be viewed below:

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