JOETOWN Moving Forward In 2009; NAMM Recap Issued

January 26, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard namm joetown

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With accolades still pouring in from his hard-hitting studio album from last year, Pills And Ammo, one-man metal machine JOETOWN continues to spread the word, as he recently spent a memorable day at the NAMM convention. Highlights of his visit would be when Joetown jammed onstage for the Behringer 20th anniversary party, along with such rock legends as Chris Slade (AC/DC, THE FIRM), Kip Winger (WINGER), Earl Slick (JOHN LENNON, DAVID BOWIE), Bruce Kulick (KISS), and Mark Hudson (AEROSMITH producer, Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp).

"Those guys kinda flipped," recalls Joetown. "Mark Hudson stopped the show and said that I was an exceptional singer and could share the stage with those guys any day, anywhere. Chris Slade also said that I should be aware that it is rare to have such vocal ability and range - this is from a guy that played with Paul Rodgers and Brian Johnson!" As a result of this killer jam, Joetown was invited to jam at the next Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp in Hollywood, coming up in late April.

And if that wasn't enough, Joetown got to meet one of his guitar heroes up close at NAMM. "Met and talked for a while with Robbie Kreiger, legendary guitarist for THE DOORS. We plugged into a few of the Bugera amps and discussed his classic tone, trading the guitar back and forth until he played classic riffs like 'Roadhouse Blues' and 'Backdoor Man'. Kinda mind-boggling to hear those riffs played right in front of you - The Doors had a huge influence on me."

Both experiences would probably be enough for any red blood American metal musician, but Joetown is not your average shredder. He also performed songs from Pills And Ammo to a packed room at the Bugera Amplifier booth daily, attended the private NAMM pre-show event, which is a special showing of gear to select artists for endorsement purposes. As a result, Joetown will be exclusively supporting products from the following companies: N-Tune onboard guitar tuning system, Seymour Duncan Pickups JB model, Quarter Pounder (Strat/Tele), Quarter Pounder Bassline, Dean Markley Stage Tuner, and Breverb modeling reverb plug-in for Protools. All this activity would leave anyone parched, so Joetown wound up wetting his whistle ? by drinking Jägermeister with GWAR!

That said, Pills And Ammo is still very much creating a buzz on the streets, as it has reached #7 Most Added (with 21 Adds) on FMQB, and #6 Most Added (with 50 Adds) on CMJ. And on the retail front, expect to see Joetown in the FYE chain racks this month throughout the US Northeast.

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