CHILDREN OF BODOM Bassist Issues Pre-Tour Update

January 29, 2009, 15 years ago

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CHILDREN OF BODOM bassist Henkka T. Blacksmith has checked in with the following update:

"The tour starts tomorrow. We will play Berlin first and then do some German dates before we start going south. Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Italy...

We are excited about playing with CANNIBAL CORPSE. Eaten Back to Life was one the first metal albums I bought. It impressed me. I saw them live in Helsinki couple of years ago and it was great. It feels weird playing after this legendary act. I admit it. And I m sure many people think it's wrong. I do hope that Cannibal fans will show up anyway to see the shows.

We haven't headlined Europe since Are You Dead Yet? tour, and it's been too long. Usually we've played also Spain, and especially Barcelona has been always awesome for us. This tour won't go to Spain, and I think it's sad, but I do hope we get to play in Spain in summer later on!! So we will play many places in Europe, and then end this thing in Finland, first Helsinki and then Seinäjoki.

Now it's time to get everything ready for tomorrow's show.

Talk to u a bit later again, after a couple of shows!"


The tour schedule is as follows:


30 - Berlin, Germany - Huxleys
31 - Leipzig, Germany - Haus Auensee


1 - Erfurt, Germany - Stadtgarden
2 - Stuttgart, Germany - LKA
3 - München, Germany - Backstage
4 - Pratteln, Switzerland - Z7
5 - Pratteln, Switzerland - Z7
7 - Budapest, Hungary - Syma Hall
8 - Wien, Austria - Gasometer
10 - Milan, Italy - Alacatrazz
11 - Nürnberg, Germany - Löwensaal
12 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso
14 - Glasgow, Scotland - ABC
15 - Norwich, England - UEA
16 - Manchester, England - Academy2
17 - Nottingham, England - Rock City
19 - London, England - he Forum
20 - Paris, France - Elysee Montmatre
2 - Antwerpen, Belgium - Hof Ter Loo
22 - Antwerpen, Belgium - Hof Ter Loo
23 - Hamburg, Germany - Grosse Freiheit
26 - Oslo, Norway - Sentrum Scene
27 - Stockholm, Sweden - Tyrol


1 - Helsinki, Finland - Icehall
2 - Seinajöki, Finland - Rytmikojaamo

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