GODHATE Issue Update; Post New Music Online

February 3, 2009, 15 years ago

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Swedish death metal act GODHATE (formerly THRONEAEON) have issued the following update:

"2008 was an interesting year for Godhate. After a break that lasted for almost 2 years, and me still suffering from a burnout, we finally got back on the scene. Our MCD, Anguish, was finally released after years of delays, and I had a new lineup ready to do some killing. It was time for me to pick up the guitar and I wrote 9 new songs in 6 months. Songs that was aimed for our 3rd full length album. Thomas Eldnatt (who was a part of Godhate until August) wrote another 2 songs that was so good that they, in the end, replaced 2 of mine.

Unfortunately, Thomas had an increasing pain that made him loose perception of touch in his left hand and was therefore replaced during gigs. His problems peeked when we were in studio and had me to record almost everything except for his solos and some riffs that we wanted him to do.

He was finally replaced completely by Björn Johansson, who even replaced him during earlier gigs.

A few shows were completed in May which made me feel alive again. And in September, after the recording session in Studio Elastic, were we recorded the new album, was done I was feeling good and erased myself from the sick list.

We did a little mini-tour, kicking off in Köping (SWE) moving onward to Borlänge (SWE), Copenhagen (DEN), Frankfurt (GER), Fully v/s (SWI) and finally Turku (FIN). This was surely one of the bands best moments ever, especially in Switzerland with DEVIAN and in Finland meeting our old friends.

Special thanks to our fans that has supported us, all the guys in Devian (fucking excellent band by the way), Jari and Toumas (Torture Killer), Bart (Hell Metal), Jussi (WCH), Stefan Eriksson (Volturyon) and all you other fuckers that we might have forgot to mention here!

A new year for Godhate has begun a lot faster than we expected. We promised to have the new record out before the end of 2008, but we actually needed some more time to get everything done. We were as usual to picky with getting things perfect.

But finally things are looking better. Way better than we could imagine.

We weren’t really satisfied with the first mix of the album so we decided to get in touch with Studio Underground, were we recorded some albums before, and that’s where the album will be completed. And this was, I think, the best choice we could do.

As you probably already noticed we have uploaded two new tracks to our MySpace. First up is the song 'Godhate' and then we added a sample including some parts from different songs, all from the upcoming album."

Further updates from the band to follow.

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