BIF NAKED - New Album Is Mixed

February 9, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Vancouver's BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Namaste and most happy high holy blessings to everyone! I have some fantastic news! We have completed the mixing on the new record! I am beside myself with absolute fuckin awe. I am freaking! Hahaha!

I guess it just seemed like such a blur, during the recording, I didn’t realize how hard we worked. And I even got all vahklempt when I listened to a couple, rather mushy songs. Hahaha! Never fear, Lovies: there are plenty of agroheadbanger songs on it, too. Of course there are! You know, I am so grateful for you guys and your reading my various ramblings. I deeply appreciate you all. Om nama shivaya.

Thank you for all your comments and advice and love and friendship! Thank you for sharing yourselves, and your funny stories about your own dogs/banana-eatin/coffeemaker woes/health. I think it's good for all of us to share and learn from each other. And it is positive and mentally stimulating for us, non? I can't exactly bake you a cake (trust me! I suck at baking! Hahaha! I use egg-replacer and get it wrong... substitute rice flour and get it wrong... and, after today’s heinous experience with the hempmilk, I don’t know how the flyingfuck to substitute anything for 'crème fraise') but... if I could bake you a cake - I totally would! Gush. You guys are sometimes the raison d’etre for me! Making the record... many days, you fine people were the only reason I could get out of bed! You rule so hard!

So... thank you for your feedback, too. I love hearing from you (and, also, everyone else loves hearing from you!) If you have any suggestions on a better way to make hempmilk - let me know? (yeah... tried almond milk yukkypoopoo! And remember: Biffy cant have soy anymore).

I am starting my artwork (you know- my hand lettering and silly drawings) for the record and I am drawing Annastasia with her wings.

Two more things: my injection got bumped, last Friday! And its, now, today at 2pm. And, to make matters worse? It's an injectable 'implant' that is like a pellet, or something. Ummmmmm... supposed to get it in the stomach, remember? Yup. You know - I've been suuuuch a big girl all this year with all the other tubes and bells and whistles... I don’t know why I am so fixated on this. I will think of Anna, man up like a good skatepunkriotmissy, and git er done! Hahaha! Plus, I have all your positive energy to take with me. I am so truly grateful for that. I hope you all have a most blissful week and feel positive, productive, driven and loved. Om nama shivaya. Om hare om.

Blessed be,



PS - and to the nice guy who kindly suggested to me I stop swearing and using the f-word: thank you for your suggestion. I am trying. Scout’s fucking honor."

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