SILENT MEMORIAL Sign With Limb Music For Retrospective Release

February 11, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news silent memorial

The long awaited second album by Swiss prog-rockers SILENT MEMORIAL, entitled Retrospective, where CLOUDSCAPE's Mike Andersson handles the vocals, have finally signed a worldwide deal with German label LMB Limb Music.

Retrospective will be released worldwide in April/May 2009. More exact info will be announced later on.

Mike recorded the vocals and wrote lyrics for this album back in early 2006. Shortly thereafter Retrospective was mixed in the Roastinghouse studios and produced by Pontus Lindmark.

Retrospective was completely recorded and finished during autumn 2006. The road to find a fitting and good label to release the album has been very long and rocky but, finally it has found a home in Limb Music.

Check out audio samples from Silent Memorial at this location.

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