SATYRICON Drummer - "We Have Reached A Level Where Things Will Work Out Much Smoother..."

February 18, 2009, 15 years ago

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New Times Broward-Palm Beach has issued a Q&A; with SATYRICON drummer Kjetil-Vidar "Frost" Haraldstad, conducted by Arielle Castillo. The following is an excerpt:

Q: The last time Satyricon toured the United States was in 2004, but you weren't even able to come because of visa issues. Was the five-year wait since then because of these continuing issues?

A: "That's true. We feel very happy and very relieved that I can come along now. This feels like the place for Satyricon to come to work, basically. And to be denied the opportunity to go here with the band before has been really depressing, and felt very wrong. But finally the paperwork is all okay, and I can come here. It feels like a victory, finally.

I've been looking forward to that for many, many years, and also being on the tour feels really good, because the response that we get every day is so good. We are really, really getting well received by our audience. Every night these people that have been waiting for years and years, and these people that have been traveling for a very long distance to see Satyricon, are having the night of their lives.

But you know, the band, they tour without me. There was one tour done with Trym, the drummer of EMPEROR, and one with Joey Jordison from SLIPKNOT. It wasn't really my situation there that held them back. They did go here. But we have been spending our time in the meantime creating new music, and we have been touring Europe.

And to make an album like The Age Of Nero is a very time-consuming process, really. It is also a fact that to do a record deal for Europe doesn't automatically include a record deal for America. Sometimes that means that you can release an album at a certain point in Europe, and then after that release, you will start to negotiate a separate deal for America. And this obviously means that the album will be released at a later point.

So sometimes that also means that it's hard to coordinate the touring plans the way that you really want to. You have to take into consideration practical circumstances. We also feel that we have reached a level where things will work out much smoother, and that we can coordinate the happening to a much larger extent."

Read more at New Times Broward-Palm Beach.

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