BIF NAKED Attending Canadian Music Week In Toronto: "I Will Be Chanting For My Hair To Grow One Foot In Length... In Eleven Days"

March 3, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canadian rocker BIF NAKED has checked in with the following blog:

Namaste, Sussreekall, Salaam, and word-to-yo-mutha! My Most Cherished Friends, Welcome to March. :) ahhhhh, yes. As Nicklas and I enjoyed Ambleside dogpark-by-the sea, yesterday, made note of the crocus shoots up through the grass, and shielded ourselves with my trusty Lamb of God ballcap, we send our positivity to our friends in the Northeast, as the snow is coooomin’ down. I do hope it passes quickly, especially since I’m GOING ON THE TORONTO TRIP IN EXACTLY ELEVEN DAYS! (So excited I’m on the floor, hyperventilating into a wee paper bag!)

Yes, I will have to fly with my 'pre-filled injections' on the airplane. Try and imagine the usual gongshow of my going through security (often, they are not accustomed to 'tattooed grrrls'). I will be going to do some television appearances (ummmm…..YIKEYS!!!!!!!) And to attend Canadian Music Week. As you know, it will be a busy timeframe ripe with thrills, leading up to the record release! I am constantly overjoyed about the whole shebang! :)

Now, like some thirteen-year-old-doing-chest-excersises, chanting 'We must! We must!…' I will be chanting for my hair to grow one foot in length. In eleven days. Hahhahahaha! No, I won’t wear hair extensions because I’m lazy and the concept (glue??) makes me nervous. I do have wigs but am soooo over them, I’m just rockin’ my L-Word haircut. (Hahahha!) What can I say?

I have included a photo, today, of moi in my bathroom…and one of the photos pasted up above my bathtub (yup, that’s Kate Moss). I love her! :) But I love everyone. So, I rotate inspirational visual stimuli all the time. But, maybe if my hair was, at least, as long as HERS (on her HEAD!) I wouldn’t have to chant for hair??? Hahaha!

All things in good time. Patience is self-discipline. Breathe. :)

I hope everyone has a fantastico week, filled with positivity and fun. And no inclement weather. Besides, its already MARCH ('spring' starts on the 21st!!!!!)

Sending you warmth, blessings, and nuttin but goooood times!"

Om Nama Shivaya..

Love, Biffy


As previously reported, Bif has made her brand new single, 'I Won't Cry (Fuck You 2)' available for free download at this location. The song comes from Bif's new CD, The Promise, due in stores May 5th.

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