EVERGREEN TERRACE Part Ways With Bassist; Seek Replacement

March 9, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news evergreen terrace

Guitarist Josh James from EVERGREEN TERRACE has issued the following update on their Australian tour, their upcoming recording schedule and the departure of bassist Jason Southwell:

"We have returned from the mighty Soundwave tour in Australia and have some great news for you guys, I'll just number them out for you:

1. Soundwave ruled, thanks to everyone who checked us out. A huge thanks to all the bands that weren't assholes, you know who you are. We can't wait to get back to Australia and promise that it won't be another two years like last time. We will be posting a short video on our myspace and on YouTube in the next week or so with footage from the tour.

2. After 9 years and some change of Evergreen Terrace, Jason Southwell has decided to leave the band. Farewell to Jason! We are currently looking for someone to hire for tours. If you are interested then please send a video, or link, of yourself singing, playing bass, and jamming out live to: evergreenterracebass@gmail.com

3. Craig, Kyle, and I have been busy writing new jams for a new record. As of right now it looks like we will be getting into the studio around May, to have a late summer/early fall release. More news on that when we find out why it smells like shit by the beach.

I think that's it, I'm going to go divorce my parents now."

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