CARPATHIAN FOREST Bassist Seeking Visual Artists For Collaboration On New Project

March 15, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news carpathian forest

BW&BK; has received the following press release:

CARPATHIAN FOREST bass player Vrangsinn (VRANGSINN, SECHT, NATTEFROST, A WASTE OF TALENT) is looking for visual artists from different disciplines to collaborate with him on the follow up to his 2008 release, Moon Psychedelia Collection. The new project will be called PHOBIA and, as its name suggests, deals with a variety of phobias that haunt individuals. The release will be in audiovisual format, but is expected to be different from anything that has been done before. As Vrangsinn explains: “I don’t want to give too much away at the moment, partly because this will be the first time anyone has attempted anything like this. And partly because I’d like do it first myself before I let people steal the idea. I have a vision of what Phobia could be. While I have no problems regarding the music production I could use some assistance from people doing animation, paintings, drawings, digital artwork, people who know the flash and DVD format and basically everyone interested really”.

Anyone who thinks they would like to get involved and is interested in finding out more should contact Vrangsinn via his MySpace page at this location.

Best known as the bass player with Norwegian Black Metallers Carpathian Forest, Vrangsinn is also a producer, who has worked with such bands as DEATHCULT and Nattefrost, and is the founder of Misantrof AntiRecords, a label that is owned by the artists themselves, and run by an elected board, and whose only source of income currently is any voluntary contributions that anyone who downloads the music and videos feels they would like to give, or donations from fans. It is anticipated that Phobia itself will be released on Misantrof and as with everything on Misantrof it will be available for free download. “Lets face it,” commented Vrangsinn, “every release made is instantly available on the Internet for free. There are so many people out there downloading stuff illegally, I would much rather they came to the source and downloaded it for free in the highest quality possible, rather than let some teenager somewhere decide how you will hear my music”.

The video below is for the track 'Atomic' by A WASTE OF TALENT, with Vrangsinn on guitar and Skaperen on vocals and bass.

A Waste of Talent - Atomic

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