DARK FUNERAL "Hard At Work On A Pre-Production For New Full-Length Album"

March 16, 2009, 15 years ago

news life in black dark funeral

DARK FUNERAL guitarist Lord Ahriman have issued the following update:

"Though it was about time to let you know what’s going on...

Chaq Mol (guitar) and I are still hard at work on a pre-production for the new full-length album at my (yet unnamed) home studio. The song-writing process are moving along just fine, perhaps not as fast as I could hope, but new and killer songs are at finally beginning to take some real shape. And it all sounds totally fucking killer (of course!).

At this point we have the core for six songs completed, and another two under progress.

So far I haven’t really got a more in depth or an overall picture of what we have written other than that it all sounds DARK FUNERAL in the flesh, but with more groove and variety then before. I have also a feeling that we have brought back a bit more of our melodic side aka Diabolis Interium era, which was something I initially wanted for this album.

Beside the ûber melancholic Russian funeral symphony I told you about earlier, we will offer you a couple of more heavy songs this time around. And with that said, I think this may become our most varied album thus far.

No exact date has been set when we will enter the Abyss Studio, but as soon as it’s nailed in stone we’ll let you know of course.

I would also like to take this opportunity too to thank all of you who have written to me in response to a name for my home studio. Honestly, I didn’t really expect any response to that at all, but apparently I was dead wrong. Damn, I’ve been overwhelmed with suggestions, some totally killer, while others, hmm, well, not so good…but I totally appreciate them all anyway. As you might have understood already, my main focus right now lies on getting the new album together, so I haven’t had any time whatsoever to even think about a name for my home-studio, but when I eventually do, I’ll let you know of course."

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