Hard Rock Park To Rename LED ZEPPELIN, THE EAGLES Roller Coasters

April 2, 2009, 15 years ago

led zeppelin news the eagles rock hard

Heraldonline.com is reporting:

The two roller coasters named after LED ZEPPELIN and THE EAGLES at Hard Rock Park will be renamed for the 2009 season, an official with the park's new owners said Thursday, though he declined to say whether new names have been picked out for the rides, among the park's largest attractions.

The park's new owners also appeared to be backing away from a solely rock-'n'-roll theme for the park. John Stine, the director of sales and marketing for FPI MB Entertainment, the company that purchased the park out of bankruptcy in February for $25 million, said the park will be music-themed, with only an emphasis on rock 'n' roll.

"We want to get the park right," Stine said. "We want to enhance a number of areas and create more fun, more value for guests coming into the park."

A federal bankruptcy judge in Delaware ruled Monday that some of the park's previous owners still had intellectual property rights to the park's overall theme, design and layout. Steven Goodwin, the park's former CEO, had asked the new owners for licensing fees and a small cut of the profits.

Regardless of Monday's ruling, Stine said the park's owners had already decided to rebrand portions of the park. Since the new owners did not have any rights to the brand names of either The Eagles or Led Zeppelin, Monday's ruling did not impact the decision to change the names of those rides, Stine said.

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