DAATH Guitarist Discusses New Album, Record Deals; Interview Available

April 14, 2009, 15 years ago

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MetalSucks recently had the chance to chat with DAATH guitarist Eyal Levi about the band's new album, The Concealers, their writing process and their new partnership deal with Roadrunner Records and Century Media.

An excerpt follows:

Q: I know you’ve said you consider The Concealers the “first” Daath album. Why? Can you tell us about what advances the band has made since the creation of The Hinderers?

A: The Hinderers is a collection of ten years worth of songs, lineups, and studio situations. The Concealers was written in one shot, and recorded in another straight shot. Same team from start to finish. Same goals from start to finish. One consistent shared focus which was to push things to where we had never taken them before in terms of playing, writing, and recording. That place we were aiming for was complete domination over the previous record.

Advances since The Hinderers? It's hard to say, since that album was recorded over such a long period of time its hard to say when it actually went down. The main thing I can think of is that for the first time everyone was involved on every level and contributing their very best. For me personally, its the record where I feel I finally found my voice as an artist."

Read the full interview at MetalSucks.

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