BIF NAKED - New Live Set To Feature 17 Songs, Video Shoot Scheduled For Next Week

April 17, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canada's BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Namaste and Salaam to you all. I hope today finds you completely covered in all manner of bliss (blissful thoughts, blissful feelings, blissful people). Congratulations are in order, as you’ve made it to The Weekend! Shabosh!

How will you spend your time? :)

Alas, the rain returned to us, in Vancouver, but the entire Lower Mainland is undaunted, as everyone has a fever-for-the-flavour of BOTH the NHL (Canucks) and the WHL (Giants). It is extremely exciting to witness the joy of the masses in a 'hockey town' such as this. Blessings to those athletes! May they enjoy their good health and remarkable abilities.

And, may WE ALL enjoy OUR OWN. Everyone has their talent. Even if it is a talent for 'taking out the recycling', it still counts! Right? Right. I am trying to improve my talent for 'hats' (see photo) and 'hair straighteners'. Haha! Sad but true. I think it may actually take five years to grow back to 'long' hair!

Speaking of talent, the boys are booked for rehearsal, starting DAY-AFTER-FUCKING-TOMORROW!!! (Whoops. F-word!) I am STOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKEEEEDDD! (And petrified)

We will be hammering-out a seventeen fucking (whoops) song set, starting on Sunday. Ambitious, non? Hahaha! Well... as you all know, I miss touring so much because I love your smiling faces and THE MOSH PIT!! (Haha!)

I’m happy to be returning to rehearsals. Om Nama Shivaya. ThankfuckingGod! (Okayokay…that’s three swears. I’m done.) We are also *TA-DA!* shooting a video on the third rehearsal day! I don’t want to spoil any suprises... so I will now button my lip. :)

I will whine about my 12-days-in lat pull, however! I am hoping if I keep babying it (though it has not helped yet) I will be pain-free for the shoot? Cripes! What can I say? Pain has NEVER stopped me before, anyway. Bring it on, right?

I will be careful during my Ashtanga this weekend, and certainly, at practice!

I am sooooo looking foreward to THE NOISE!YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

I hope everyone has an incredible weekend. My suggestion? Giants on Saturday! (Heh, heh) and a cucumber juice en route will keep you focused and alert to see the habitual-triple-overtime schtick that currently enshrouds them.

Nicklas will remain hiding under the blankets until Monday (he hates 1. Rain, and 2. Noise-from-drumkits).

As ever, sending you love, blessings, and bliss,

Om Nama Shivaya. Om Sai Love.



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