SYRACH Issue Recap Of European Mini-Tour

April 23, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news syrach

Norwegian doom metal act SYRACH have issued the following update:

"We have now just returned from the short tour. We did four gigs in four days, just because we'd play the Doom Shall Rise festival in Göppingen, Germany.

The tour started when Gjermund (hired gun) and Ripper decided to start drinking on the ferry from Norway to Denmark. After driving all night to get to Kristiansand, it might feel good with a beer (...or ten) however, when we picked up Rolv-8 in Denmark, they where already pretty wasted. To no surprise, after Ripper was crowned the banana king (by drinking a banana flavoured beer faster than the rest could drink an ordinary one) Captain-8 got behind the wheel, and Gjermund felt the urge to take an early night. With him fast asleep and Ripper in a great mood, we got to Hamburg in due time. We had to make some emergency stops before G fell asleep. So a bit behind schedule we arrived Hamburg, where Adam and Rolv went for the traditional roller coaster ride at the DOM, before we got to see EVOKEN live in concert. Sorry to say we missed out on the ISOLE show, but a roller coaster ride is obviously important for some....

Our first show was in Leipzig, at the Club Lagerhof. Great venue, and we were treated really well. Our fantastic support band BYFROST did a great show and made a few new fans that evening, CARVEN was also an interesting band to watch. A bit disturbed by bad sound, but a good performance !

After Leipzig we drove to Uster, Switzerland where Hägar greeted us welcome as always. We had a great night in the Swiss Alps and got a good night sleep at Hägar's place. But of course way too little for many of us, staying up in his cellar drinking beers and listening to great rock and metal while playing some dice...

Then came the Doom Shall Rise festival. After having a great breakfast in a Swiss truck stop café, we got on our way to Göppingen where we were scheduled to play at 16:00. As the earlybirds, and experienced drivers we are, we got off a little later than planned and also got stuck in a couple of traffic jams. As this was a Saturday morning, we should have seen this coming... ...but of course we didn't. Anyways, we arrived the venue 20 mins before the show, and immediately got to work. After getting tons of vinyl from Hägar this had to get out of the van before we got to the equipment. Not the brightest of logistical planning, but we got it out somehow in time. We got onstage and played a decent show to the attending crowd. We have to say that we are impressed by the amount of people getting into the chapel at this time of day. An educated guess says there was close to about 400 people there at the time.

We had a great time at this festival, and got treated VERY good by the professional Frank and Jochen! We salute you!

Then off to Tilburg (Holland) for our final show for this time. We got phoned up by Byfrost that seemed to have some driving troubles after turning Eindhoven upside down the night before. somehow they managed to arrange something and we arrived almost at the same time at the Little Devil.

...And then the games begun.... We got all to drunk before our shows, and made not the best performances in out time, but I guess in some way memorable :-) We will try to get back when our album is out to make up for it. the devil was a great club, and deserves a better show.

Hopefully Byfrost will be with us next time as well, coz they bloody rocks! Great guys both to party with and play great shows!

And to all of you who helped us make this trip memorable and great:


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