April 25, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news ffryf sextapes

SEXTAPES, the Hollywood rockers featuring GUNS N' ROSES keyboardist Chris Pitman, have issued the following update:

"Huge shout to our fans all over the world. SexTapes exists because of you and we would like to thank you for your massive support! To show our appreciation we are launching SexTapes FFRYF! (SexTapes Fans F#%king Rule You F#%kers!)

This crusade includes over 60 new web sites (one of which you’re eyeballin’), exclusive footage (maybe flesh), controversial rants (’cause our rants R bigger than theirs), mad artwork, smokin’ new merch, Superfans exclusives (4 fanatics), street teams spreadin’ love, plus over 1300 radio stations ’round the world rockin’ our singles-and whatever the hell else we feel like doing!

And you are the main ingredient. You are on the menu. We want to hear from you, hear about you and see you in action, so tell us what you want (or possibly how hard you want it). Send your comments, photos and video and we’ll post ’em and maybe use it in ways you never dreamed of (subject to Terms of Use and the laws of the land). That simple.

Speaking of action, here’s one for you: if you want to be on the exclusive SexTapes mailing list, sign up at: or send us a message here. While you’re at it, come see us live at a city near you, so we can scribble on some body parts.

Check here to find out about our next shows."

New SexTapes™ poster shot in Hollywood by photographer Rian Flynn

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