THE BEATLES: Rock Band Reveals Vintage Guitars; Opens Pre-Order

May 5, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard the beatles is reporting:

The makers of THE BEATLES: Rock Band have revealed the two vintage replica guitars that will be available for purchase when the game hits stores September 9th, 2009: John Lennon’s Rickenbacker 325 and George Harrison’s Gretsch Duo Jet. According to an official press release, the plastic six-strings will be available as “standalone music peripheral controllers,” meaning they won’t be included as part of the Special Edition package that features the vintage bass, drums and microphone. The guitars will carry a price tag of $99. A press release didn’t specify whether that price was for one guitar or both; if it is indeed the cost of one guitar, the price is approximately $30 more than a standard Rock Band guitar.

For more info visit and pre-order details visit here.

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