LAZARUS A.D. - "Thrash Has Been A Staple Of What We Listen To And Where We Plan To Progress To"

May 7, 2009, 15 years ago

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Spain's Hall Of Metal has issued an interview with Southeastern Wisconsin-based thrashers LAZARUS A.D. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Juan Carlos García:

Q: There’s no doubt that you’ve managed to innovate the typical thrash metal, bringing in heavier guitars, solos and in general, a mix of different sounds. Were you thinking of doing something like this, or did it just come up?

A: "Thrash has been a staple of what we listen to and where we plan to progress to. We knew we wanted it to be heavy as fuck yet have good song qualities as well. We strive for the best. I suppose it’s just what we like."

Read the full interview at Hall Of Metal.

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