HOODED MENACE Moving To Bigger Label, CLAWS Reveal Debut Album Title

May 20, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news claws hooded menace

Razorback Recordings reports:

HOODED MENACE, the Finnish doom/death metal band who released their debut full-length album on Razorback Recordings in 2008, has officially moved on to a much bigger label and will release their 2nd album sometime in 2010.

Billy from Razorback, who wrote many of the lyrics for the band's releases and who also came up with the band name and logo/art concepts, has given Lasse and the guys his (unholy) blessing to move on, and will continue to write lyrics for the band's next album as well as their upcoming split EP with Holland's Death Metal legends ASPHYX!

The band will announce the name of their new record label soon, though Hooded Menace will always be part of the Razorback family no matter what!

The band's debut for Razorback, Fulfill The Curse, is still available from Razorback and always will be, along with some album cover art T-shirts that will be coming soon exclusively through Razorback's mailorder!

In other news... Lasse's other band, CLAWS, will unleash their debut CD on Razorback Recordings sometime this summer! The album, titled Absorbed In The Nethervoid, is a 9 song masterpiece of pure early 90's style death metal done the classic Finnish way!

Think of bands from that era such as DEMIGOD, XYSMA, CONVULSE, and SENTENCED (back when these bands were pure death metal and not wimpy commercialized garbage), along with the earlier sounds of INCANTATION, CREMATORY (Sweden), DERKETA, etc.

The diabolical cover artwork was drawn by Adam Geyer and will be posted online soon for all to see! Mastering was provided once again by the mighty Patrick Bruss from CRYPTICUS, so expect a seriously dark and HEAVY sound for this kind of putrid, raw, atmospheric death metal inferno!"

As previously reported, the CD will feature the following 9 tracks: 'Absorbed In The Nerhervoid', 'Bloodsucking Sorcery', 'Cacophonous Carrion', 'Casket Contagion', 'Cloak Of The Sacrificial', 'Macabre Manifestations', 'Lurking In The Catacombs', 'Skeletal Reincarnation', 'Abominations That Crawl Forth'.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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