HORDE OF HEL Ink Deal With Regain Records/Blooddawn Productions

May 21, 2009, 15 years ago

news life in black horde of hel

HORDE OF HEL (featuring "members from different elite death metal and black metal bands from Sweden") have inked a deal with Regain Records/Blooddawn Productions, who will release their debut album, Blodskam, in June/July in Europe.

Moribund Records released Blodskam in early May.

The tracklisting: 'Motvärn', 'Leave Life Behind', 'Born Again Into Submission', 'Hail Chaos', 'The Glory Of Massmurder', 'Dödens Ära', 'Living Abomination', 'Visdomen Kallas Döden', 'Domen Mot Människan', 'Blott Tvivel & Skam', 'Legacy Of Vengeance', 'Ashborn', 'March For War', 'Död, Naturens Val'.

A press release reads as follows: "Epic and expansive, Blodskam is an adventurous collision of blackened melodies, industrial metal power, and martial atmosphere, all grimly sung in a mixture of English and band’s native tongue. Horde Of Hel is a product of total madness and inhumanity, they have no respect for the weak of mind,or the prophets of any religion. Witness the new Swedish revolution! This is true misanthropic art for fans of Swedish black metal."

More on Horde Of Hel here.

Check out the tracks 'Legacy Of Vengeance' and 'Visdomen Kallas Doden' at this location.

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