REECE Set New Album Release Date; Album Title Revealed, More Audio Samples Available

June 15, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard reece

REECE, the solo project from GYPSY ROSE frontman David Reese (ex- ACCEPT, BANGALORE CHOIR), have set August 28th as the release date for their debut album, Universal Language.

Head over to the group's website to listen to samples of the songs 'Chasing Shadows', 'Before I Die', 'Yellow', 'Once In A Lifetime', 'I’ll Remember You'.

David recently issued the following update:

"I've signed with AOR Heaven for my solo release. I'm recording it at Andy Susemihl's studio in southern Germany and Andy, who is the former guitarist for U.D.O., is co-writing and playing all guitars on the record as well as producing and mixing.

On bass will be Jochen Fünders from the group HOLY MOSES and on drums Stefan Schwarzmann from Accept, U.D.O. and KROKUS.

My new record promises to be heavy melodic Rock and I'm freakin stoked about it !!!"

Stay tuned for further updates. Check out David's MySpace page at this location.


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