BIF NAKED - New Road Blog Available

June 22, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canadian rocker Bif Naked has checked in from the road with the following blog:

NamasteSalaamBonjour! May you all be experiencing positivity and increased bliss, today. *hugs*

I am in my wee, back-of-the-tourbus lair (like a troll under a bridge) wide awake (on sooo many levels) while the boys sleep their usual, ten-hour slumbers. This would not work for me. Even before chemo, there was no way I could sleep for more than four hours. Five would be a treat, but only psychologically. My body would FREAK OUT! Seriously. The edema (swelling) would be marked and uncomfortable for me.

And, of course, I’m only seven-weeks-post-surgery (ovariectomy/handlebars/estrogenbadforBiffy, remember?) which made 'surgically induced menopause', common cause of insomnia.

I still sleep sitting up (since chemo one, last January, due to the surgically-implanted-port-a-cath…with that sexy cathater being threaded-up my jugular vein…..where it would remain for ten months of infusions, until the bloodclot-that-surrounded-it forced the doctors to remove it early). Yes, Loveybabies, my bloodclot is still there. I may or may not have SVC syndrome. I am off the daily Fragmin injections (anti-clot) after six months of 'em with no change.

Sooooo, sleeping-sitting-up, and getting my three-to-four hours a night is what The Universe grants me. I am grateful for that. I wake up everyday with positivity and energy. I love mornings. They are my favorite. :)

I am hungry in the morning, so I have my two-banana-plus-Vegahempshake in silent gratitude (for nourishment) while everyone sleeps. I am very mindful, in the mornings, and feel extrememly serene and meditative and contemplative.

I reflect. I think. I plan. I dream. I pray. I drink bus coffee (an entire, seperate blog could be penned on busfood habits, but I digress). I seek truckstop ladies rooms (not to be discussed). I clean the front of the bus. I utilize the recycling for the bottles. I type on my wee blackberry (as you see) I do SunSalutations and asanas and pranayama breathing. I go for walks around the bus. I have a great time!

I just wish I had a full kitchen on the tour bus and then I could make everyone breakfast everyday! (They don’t eat like me, which I think is easy-peazy eating: bananas + hemp protein). They like things like oatmeal, eggs, meats, bagels, etc. But you know I love cooking for people, so I would make them whatever they like without judgement or hesitation. (They don’t judge me for hempseeds, right? Right.)

The shows are amazing, rewarding, and blissful. Our days + nights are auspicious and filled with total fun! Fuck yeah! Oh- I DO have a bet (even though you know I do not 'gamble' and have never even put a nickel in a slot machine!) I did accept a bet from both Jacen and Jason regarding my theory about '4000-possible calorie expenditure during performance' (Flavio is in agreement with me).

They each bet me $20 that I’m wrong. Really? I think there are too many variables to ever determine the truth for each individual. All I know is I believe in my hypothesis. LOL! Of course I do! I will keep you posted. :) I don’t really care if I win or lose “money” in this bet. It's pretty funny to be in the bet in the first place.

I have included a photo from the back of the tourbus, in my little Sanctuary. The sunlight was beaming through the window, and it felt warm and loving.

I am sending you ALL energy and potivity and gratitude everysingle day!"

Om Nama Shivaya.

Big love+bliss from the Road,



To view Bif Naked's upcoming tour dates, click here.

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