PANTHEON I Release Single For Digital Download

June 28, 2009, 15 years ago

news life in black pantheon

Extreme metallers PANTHEON I, will release the single 'Serpent Christ' on Monday, June 29. The track, taken from the forthcoming album Worlds I Create, will be available on Candlelight Records via digital download only. Also on the single is the first ever Pantheon I song to have been written. Enter The Pantheon has so far only been available on the band’s first demo, and has been completely re-recorded for inclusion on the single.

The Norwegian five-piece, whose ranks include members of TYRANN, SARKOM, TROLLFEST, THE ALLSEEING I and DEN SAAKALDTE, as well as former and current members of 1349, recently released a series of promo pics with cellist Live Julianne in the role of a dominatrix. According to front man and guitarist Andre Kvebek, the uncensored version of the photos caused quite a bit of interest. “Having seen the photos that were chosen for publication, I have a sneaking suspicion that the two females involved in the band - Live Julianne and our manager Patricia Thomas, have concocted some kind of plot to knock the band’s alpha male (that would be me) off his perch”. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, Kvebek continued: “No red-blooded male could resist rising to the challenge, so I’ve added my own “sex god” photo from the recent promo shoot. Now let’s see what the fans say!” The new photo, together with the other uncensored pics can be found on the band’s website at

World’s I Create, the third full-length album from Pantheon I, will be released on Candlelight Records this summer. 'I’ll Come Back As Fire', a track specially written by the band, is featured in the soundtrack of the latest Chad Ferrin horror flick 'Someone’s Knocking At The Door', which made its US debut earlier this month. The band is also currently working on a video of 'Serpent Christ', which is in the final stages of production.

Below you can see the official video for the track 'Where Angels Burn' from the Pantheon I album The Wanderer And His Shadow.

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