Bassist Frank Bello Issues ANTHRAX Anecdotes - First Road Report Available; Live Footage Of New Song Available

June 29, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news anthrax reports:

Fender signature bass player Frank Bello is back on the road with New York City-based thrash metal band ANTHRAX. Currently in the middle of a European tour, Anthrax returns stateside later this summer to tour with SLIPKNOT.

Throughout the summer, Bello has generously agreed to share his road journal with us in his blog, Anthrax Anecdotes. Enjoy his first entry!

"June 25, 2009 - When Fender asked me if I’d like to do a tour diary for the website, I was quick to agree because I thought it might be cool for people who have never gotten a chance to tour to get a little taste of the realities of what it’s really like. And for those who have toured, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about …

I’ve been very fortunate to have made a living playing music and touring the world for the past 24 years, but as some of you out there might know, it isn’t as glamorous as it may seem.

Still to this day, the best part of the touring life for me is when I get to play in front of an audience in different cities around the world. For the other 22½ hours, I honestly wish somebody would invent a transport machine so I can be home to take a dump on my own bowl instead of having to squat over the filthy, disgusting, germ ridden “port-a-bowls” they have at the festivals we’ve been playing! Obviously, I have some toilet issues.

So far, we’ve played seven shows on this European tour: Estonia, London, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland. They’ve all been amazing! We have a new record coming out in October called Worship Music (shameless plug), and the new songs we are playing from it have been going over great with the crowds.

I am proud to say that my signature basses (another plug) have been holding up really well with all the hell I put them through. My friend of over 18 years, Alex Perez from Fender, just sent me my new "blood red” signature model bass that he built, and it sounds and plays like it’s been with me forever - great job as usual Alex!

We just left Switzerland and are on our way for a day off in Croatia - woo hoo! I am actually doing a signing session tomorrow in Croatia for Fender, which should be a blast!

I’ve been writing this from my bunk on the tour bus and my eyes are closing faster than I can write, so it’s time to crash.

Until next time..."

Recent footage of Anthrax performing their new track 'Fight 'Em' in Croatia can be viewed below.

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