INFERNAL Part Ways With Drummer; Seek Replacement

July 14, 2009, 14 years ago

news life in black infernal

Former NECROPHOBIC and DARK FUNERAL guitarist David Parland has issued the following update on INFERNAL:

"We hereby inform you all that Tomas Asklund is no longer involved in Infernal, and will not be involved later either. This was mutually agreed today, and there is not much more to say about it.

We hereby seek a new drummer with very good drumming skills, who can blast very fast and play double bass drums for a long time. We seek someone that already has recording experience and has played in bands before.

Preferably we seek someone who is Swedish or at least Scandinavian, but other people from Europe can apply as well.

Naturally, this will delay the demo and album and all recent plans, but we hope this will be for the best for all of us. I (David) will from now on start working even harder with this band.

At last, we wish Tomas the best of luck with his other projects, but things have to move on."

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