HOWARD LEESE - Part 2 Of We Will Rock You Audio Interview Available

July 21, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard howard leese

Sterling Whitaker at We Will Rock You recently caught up with ex-HEART guitarist Howard Leese. Part 2 of the audio interview is now available at this location.

According to Whitaker, "in this segment we discuss working with great singers on Secret Weapon; why there are no comps or punches on the album; working as a producer with the sensitivities of singers; what it was like to work with Ann Wilson in the studio; the pros and cons of digital recording and mixing; why Bruce Springsteen deliberately overdubs mistakes onto his records; auto-tuning vocals; and the growing trend of artists playing to triggered tracks live and why it’s not right for rock and roll."

Part 3 will be available on July 23rd.

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