Former RIP Magazine Editor - "AXL ROSE Had A Pathological Aversion To The Press"

July 21, 2009, 14 years ago

news axl rose rock hard rip has checked in with the following update:

"Lonn Friend, former editor of RIP Magazine, was a guest on the July 14th, 2009 episode of the Used Bin Radio show. Lonn, a longtime friend and acquaintance of the Used Bin hosts Brad Hirsch and Joe Carona, talked about his new book, his past with RIP Magazine and what it was like in the heyday of the late '80s and early '90s in Los Angeles. He also discussed GUNS N' ROSES singer Axl Rose's longtime grudge against him and his attempts to remedy the situation with Mr. Rose without success. Here's a transcript from the Axl Rose part..."

Interviewer: "Let me ask you, 'cause I think I saw you, the last time I actually ran into you was at the ampitheatre when Guns N' Roses played. I remember walking out of there and thinking 'Man, that may have sorta been Guns N' Roses, but it just had no soul.' It got sucked out somewhere along the line. The soul got sucked out of that band, I mean, I get a little emotional over it because I thought that band was our LED ZEPPELIN at one point, they made one of the most important record in rock music in Appetite For Destruction and somewhere along the line it got screwed up and I get so bitter now when I hear these, these, pathetic rambling from Axl on that fan website where he won't let anybody interview him and it feels like he's a perpetual victim and it really drives me crazy."

Lonn Friend: "Well, Axl had a pathological aversion to the press. We reap the benefit of that, eh, of that illness, because he only trusted Del (James) and I hired (him) to be senior editor of RIP not long after he got here from New York, he was hanging out with Axl. But there's something to be said about that trust between a writer and a rocker, however it has been taken to almost pathological extremes with Axl because he really was so overly paranoid about how he was perceived. Kim Neely did some fantastic stuff with him in Rolling Stone's, but when you think about it, man, Axl in 20 years has probably talked to three or four journalists and that is an astounding fact."

Go to this location for the rest of the transcript. Download the show with Lonn Friend at Pure Rock Radio in their new podcast section located here.

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