July 27, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news sadus sepultura obituary

OBITUARY singer John Tardy has issued the following road update:

"That was a busy few days there to finish this run out! Not much sleep happening, a lot of travel, but some really good shows. Thanks to all of you that came out to see us! We finished out in Spain at a great festival in Lorca. It was a good show and great to see our good friends in SEPULTURA. It had been a while since we saw them and they want us to put the S.O.S. Tour back together. Sepultura, Obituary, SADUS...that sounds fun to me. We will see what happens.

Next up for us, we will be headed to Portugal for a festival and our first trip there! After that we start our US tour and we are looking forward to that!

I will go through all my photos and get them up here in the next day or two as soon as I get my self together and try to get caught up with all the fan email. I did not have internet for the last few days so I am falling behind, but I will get to them as soon as I can!"

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