GEORGE LYNCH - "Mr.Scary's Soloing Secrets"

July 27, 2009, 14 years ago

news george lynch riff notes

Guitarist George Lynch (LYNCH MOB / SOULS OF WE / ex DOKKEN) is featured in a new in-depth interview with Jude Gold at Guitar Player. Lynch has posted the article on his offcial website, an excerpt is available below:

Leaps And Bounds

One of the toughest things for a guitarist to describe in words is his or her own sound. Perhaps that’s why so many of them address the challenge by instead pinpointing the things they lack.

“What I don’t really do is connect the dots,” notes Lynch. “Most accomplished rock guitar players use a more scalar method. They play lines that travel across the whole neck. For example, Michael Schenker will play a run that flows into this and that, and it’s beautiful, but I don’t do that as much. I always thought it was more interesting to take a left turn here and there. I probably got a lot of that from listening to Jeff Beck. I never take something to its logical conclusion. I break everything up and bounce around a lot. Other players might look at that lick and go, ‘Wow, why did he think of going there?’ F*cked up hardwiring, I guess [laughs].

“It probably all started with me wanting to work my way out of the A blues box. Simply stated, I was just trying to play between—or outside of—the dots. Instead of standard pentatonic licks, I’d be doing stuff like this [Ex. 2]—you know, adding notes, subtracting notes, or even mixing up major and minor and skipping strings. I’ll even bend a low string and jump up to the highest string. It’s interesting finding ways to make this stuff work against whatever rhythm part you have going in the background."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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