CARDAMON Part Ways With Drummer, Announce Replacement

August 26, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news cardamon

Utrecht, Netherlands-based female-fronted melancholic metallers CARDAMON have issued the following update:

On September 5th, we would like to introduce you to our new drummer Michael Van Der Kolk at De Peppel in Zeist (with STREAM OF PASSION). Thomas (Kalksma) recently decided to part ways with Cardamon, wanting to focus more on his professional career. With more and more (international) gigs, the choice between career and Cardamon became increasingly difficult for him. However, we were lucky enough to find Michael, who seemed to be born ready, so we could pick up where we left. Meaning he's as ready for the road as much as we are, and we're already focussing on new material! Starting this September, Cardamon will hit the road, so make sure you come out and make him feel welcome in a way only Cardamon fans can."

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