THE WILDHEARTS - New Album Officially Released Today

August 31, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news the wildhearts

THE WILDHEARTS frontman Ginger has checked in with the following update:

"Monday...what you up to? Getting your hair done? Lunch with mum? Working?

Hey, you can do all those things AND go buy The Wildhearts new album Chutzpah! From 9;00am until whenever your local record emporium closes. You can make it, you can do it. Why? Because we here at WHHQ feel that you deserve it. You've been good, you've been loyal and you've been considerate to those around you. You've bought Xmas presents, remembered birthdays (mostly) and told the right people that you love them. So what's in all this 'being awesome' business for you?

And that, my friends, is where Chutzpah! comes in. Call it a reward for your ever enduring goodness. A treat that you award yourself, much like a bath or a wank. And all for the price of a round of drinks?

Those drinks will be consumed far quicker than your enjoyment of this album will dissipate. Maybe even quicker than it will take to even listen to it, and it's only 30 odd minutes long.

What does that say about your drinking habits?

Only that you work hard, you party hard, and you love hard. And you'll love this album. Thanks for treating yourself, you deserve it.

The album is now available to purchase from all good retailers, both on the high street (what's left of them anyway) and online, in a physical CD format and digital download. Check out the rave reviews the album has been receiving at the forum here.

And check it out for yourself with the streaming clips on our Myspace and Facebook pages."


Go to this location for the band's complete tour schedule.

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