DEEP PURPLE Guitarist Steve Morse - "Recording Is Very Nearly A Volunteer Endeavour And Touring Pays Most Of The Bills"

September 27, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard deep purple

DEEP PURPLE guitarist Steve Morse spoke with Andrew Coleman from recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow: Deep Purple have been playing in some exciting places. What’s been the highlight for you?

Morse: "Every single gig seems to be amazing in one way or another. For instance, we just played with some of the most talented young musicians of southern Russia last night. Last week, there were at least 50,000 people at an outdoor festival. We’ve played in monsoons outdoors, on the top of mountains, travelled at breakneck speed with police escorts and seen all continents but Antarctica. We’ve seen most countries... it’s never been boring. My personal highlight was when my son sat in with us in Florida a couple years ago, and came out on stage full of rock ‘n’ roll fire, confidence, and sheer joy of playing music." Any news of a new Deep Purple album?

Morse: "We’re always trying to get started, but these tours keep popping up. Recording is very nearly a volunteer endeavour, and touring pays most of the bills. Despite that, as a group we are committed to doing a new record soon." Any news on the new STEVE MORSE BAND album?

Morse: "Yes, it’s supposed to be released in November, very soon. The title of the album is Outstanding In Their Field. Of course, on the back is a picture of the band standing in my field."

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