Ex-SCORPIONS Drummer Herman Rarebell - "I Think I Would Only Return If The Band Takes Dieter Dierks As A Producer And Returns To The Original Line-Up"

October 7, 2009, 14 years ago

news scorpions rock hard

Greek-based Rockpages.gr conducted a face to face interview with ex-SCORPIONS drummer Herman Rarebell. Rarebell talked about a variety of subjects including his latest musical endeavours and the possibility of joining the Scorpions again. Here's the excerpts:

Rockpages.gr: I read about Herman’s Collection as well as My Life As A Scorpion. How did you decide to proceed with these projects?

Herman Rarebell: "I’ve been a writer for all my life! Writing lyrics for the Scorpions, writing songs like 'Passion Rules The Game', 'Another Piece Of Meat'. So I decided to make a complete musical statement of everything I’ve done since I left the Scorpions. Monaco Records, The Drum Legends, the Art Meets Music project with Ronnie Wood from THE ROLLING STONES. So I made a collection of all those songs, which I did outside my career with the Scorpions. The audio book is all about my life. The interview was done by Peter York. We did it a bit funny, more entertaining. Not just sterol, just telling stories about my life. We made a funny story, like we would meet in a house, so this was the idea and I’m out now to promote my book."

Rockpages.gr: Do you think you’ll return to the band?

Herman Rarebell: No, I don’t think I’ll return to the band! (laughs) I’ve been away for 12-13 years. I’m happy with my life. Everything in life has its own timing. I think I would only return if the band takes Dieter Dierks as a producer and return to the original line-up, otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense..."

Read the full interview this location.

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