LAMB OF GOD Drummer Chris Adler - "We Started As A Heavy-Metal Band And We’ll End As A Heavy-Metal Band"

October 8, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news lamb of god

John Benson from is reporting:

When LAMB OF GOD set out to write the follow-up to 2006 album Sacrament, its most successful album to date, the heavy metal act was at a crossroads. Did it continue to write more accessible material or return to its aggressive beginnings? For Lamb Of God drummer Chris Adler, the answer was simple.

“It was certainly the goal to not soften up or go for the cash grab or for the commercial moment that a lot of bands seem to do,” said Adler, calling from Jacksonville, Fla. “I love Sacrament; that record did more for our career than any other record that we put out, but I think in that record we fooled around with some things in the studio. The songs themselves are really well-written and very heavy tunes, but I think some of the production and some of the steps we took to make this perfect record really sterilized it a little bit and took some of the life and the aggression out of it. So I don’t call that a mistake necessarily but more of a learning curve.”

He added, “We started as a heavy-metal band and we’ll end as a heavy-metal band. Our goal is to walk away at the end of the day and feel proud of the project. That’s the most important thing for us.”

Read the entire interview here.

Lamb of God

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