WINGER - New Album "A Cross Between The First Record And Pull"

October 11, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard winger

WINGER frontman Kip Winger is featured in a new interview with my The Rock Be With You discussing the band's new album, Karma. An excerpt is available below:

Q: With Karma, rather than going off in an entirely new direction, you seem to be taking everything up to this point and kind of tying it all together. Is that what you set out to do? Did you achieve what you were going for?

Kip: "Yeah absolutely, I told Reb (Beach / guitars) I want to do a cross between the first record and Pull, and so that’s basically what we did. Spent a lot of time just jamming on riffs, that’s how we do it we set up with a drum machine and then we start writing riffs, and then when we get some riffs that we dig, we start putting them together."

Q: In addition to the evolution of the band, the musical landscape also has changed significantly over the last twenty-odd years or so. Your reputation as a band has always been to pretty much write what you want to write, do you ever feel the pull of your diehard fans that want to hear In the Heart of the Young part 2 and how do you deal with that?

Kip: "Well that’s what I did on this, I mean…In The Heart of the Young was more of an experimental record, the real record of our band was Pull in my mind. If you put 'Rainbow in the Rose' and 'Headed for a Heartbreak' on Pull that would be the definitive record until now. So, you know I write a lot of classical music now so I kind of separated those two things. Right now I’ve got a couple symphony premiers and stuff, so when I set out to write this record I really wanted to keep it straight ahead, just in your face rock, and just go with what I’ve heard some of the fans want. Really just trying to bring out the elements of what I’ve known people really dug about our band the most."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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