Witness Who Spoke To Missing METALLICA Fan Morgan Harrington Prior To Disappearance Comes Forward

October 23, 2009, 14 years ago

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Cindy Adams from Examiner.com is reporting:

Dave Gardner, a University of Virginia graduate told WDBJ that he spoke to missing Morgan Harrington, 20, prior to her disappearance.

“It was definitely her, I’m 100 percent certain of that,” said Gardner.

Gardner travelled from New Jersey to see the Metallic concert in Charlottesville. He said Morgan seemed excited to see the show and was anxious to get into the venue.

Morgan, a Virginia Tech student, vanished during the concert on Saturday night.

Gardner said he spoke to the both Morgan and the group she was with, and no one appeared to be drinking. After the concert, he noticed that Morgan was not in the car she and friends had arrived in.

Authorities say that around 8:30 p.m., Morgan left the concert to have a cigarette outside the venue, but left her ticket inside. It’s believed she was not allowed to reenter the concert arena. Morgan reportedly called a friend between 8:30 and 9 p.m. after she was denied reentry.

Read more and to watch a video report click here.

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