WEEDEATER Comment On DOWN Tour - "It Felt Like We Were Leaving Family At The Last Show Together"

November 1, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news down weedeater

North Carolina's sludge pillagers WEEDEATER have checked in with the following recap of their recent tour with DOWN:

"Hey all yous,

It took a couple weeks to recover but Weedeater actually made it back in one piece. Seventy days is a long time to tour, and we didn't have one day off for the last 39 days of that. Plus Keko was playing with a severed tendon in his pinkie. He is a fucking madman. Despite those obstacles and many others that shouldn't be mentioned, we had an amazing time. Everyone in the Down and MELVINS camps were great to us and it felt like we were leaving family at the last show together. Amazing musicians, amazing people, all of you, we THANK YOU for an outstanding tour!! That was some legendary shit for sure.

We'd also like to thank all of the fine folks at the shows who supported us via merch, lodging and through any other means necessary. You are all saints and we couldn't have made it without you, so again, THANKS for everything!! In other news, during January Weedeater will once again be entering Steve Albini's wonderland that is Electrical Audio Studios in Chicago, IL. We'll probably do a few shows on the way out and back, so stay tuned for those when they confirm.

In March we'll be doing another US headlining tour; we'll have dates and such soon. We'll also be coming over to Europe next summer and hopefully the new album, Jason The Dragon, will be released by then, though we don't have a solid date for that yet. Lastly, we've just released the first ever Weedeater hood. It's simple, elegant, and it's got a fucking zipper. Check it out here."

Until next time


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