YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Parts Ways With DiMarzio?

November 5, 2009, 14 years ago

news yngwie malmsteen riff notes

It seems that the long love affair with Dimarzio has ended for guitarist YNGWIE MALMSTEEN.

All Yngwie signature merchandise, including the DiMarzio YJM Signature Guitar Cable and YJM Guitar Strap, have been removed from the DiMarzio website and neither the YJM HS-3 or HS-4 pickups have his audio samples uploaded anymore.

The YJM pickup is now known as the "HS-4".

Additionally, Dimarzio archived new events on their site as it related to Yngwie have been removed.

Stay tuned for further updates on this situation.

(thanks: Fullshred)

As previously reported, Malmsteen's site has been updated with the following news:

"We just heard Yngwie Malmsteen and Rising Force Records will be putting out a compilation CD with a big surprise bonus track that is a unique song choice for the guitar god. We cannot wait to get this and find out what the surprise bonus track is. Stay tuned..."

Rising Force Records have started releasing rare archival concert footage that many Malmsteen collectors will want to have.

The first is Yngwie Malmsteen - Live In Korea, which was officially released October 13th.

"This is the raw footage that was shot by the Korean media, and it features no bells and whistles," according to a press release. "If you are a completist and want to see these concerts the DVD is highly recommended."

The DVD runs 84 minutes in full colour.

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