NIKKI SIXX On SIXX A.M. - "Everything Is In Full-On Creative Mode Right Now And That’s When The Magic Really Happens"

November 5, 2009, 14 years ago

news sixx rock hard nikki sixx

MÖTLEY CRÜE / SIXX A.M. bassist Nikki Sixx has checked in with the following update:

"Home has recharged the batteries and seamless creativity is flowing again.....

I always love it when a friend turns me onto a book, music or something I haven’t heard about or seen before. There’s some cool stuff out and about and I thought you might like it too.

I took Katherine to see Nevermore - An Evening With Edger Allen Poe at The Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood. Jeffrey Combs delivers the arrow to the heart in this one-man play. This is a must see. We loveeeeed it.

As a teenager I feel in love with Hieronymus Bosch. Recently his work has re-struck a chord in me and I am admittedly on the verge of being obsessed. If you’re a fan of 1400’s -1500’s European painters you owe it to yourself to Google his work.

Audio books have taken over my life recently. In this fast paced world we live in multi tasking is taking over our lives. I do it sometimes, and hate that I get caught up in it. Trying to boil down to simple things like just writing a song, not answering emails while having lunch with a friend or talking on the phone during a long ride somewhere with your girlfriend seems like more work than it should. One way to block out the noise in your life is to listen to audio books on the ride (plains, trains and automobiles). Unless your with someone of course..hahahah....

Three audio books I would like to recommend are:

-- Tuesday With Morrie by Mitch Albom (an oldie but goodie)
-- A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
-- The Mirror Effect by Dr Drew

On a personal front my photography is challenging me to go to new heights. I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever get to the level I am striving for. It can be so frustrating and challenging as I said before, maybe I should just give in a shoot 8 by 10.

New Sixx A.M. music is coming along nicely but no deadline or release dates to even consider. I will say it feels like the next logical step musically for the band. James used the word 'important' in describing the new lyrics. Everything is in full-on creative mode right now and that’s when the magic really happens.

That’s really all for now. I hope your all enjoying the change of season and look forward to some exciting new’s some to share with you in the near future."

Love and Rock n Roll

Nikki Sixx

Photo by Nikki Sixx

Photo by Nikki Sixx

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