AUSTRIAN DEATH MACHINE Founder Seeking Advice Following Release Of New SCHWARZENATOR Song

November 9, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news schwarzenator austrian death machine

AUSTRIAN DEATH MACHINE founder / frontman Tim Lambesis (AS I LAY DYING) has checked in with the following message to the fans:

"For the record, I don't care which band came first (I even covered a GORETORTURE song in honor another band bringing brutality to the metal genre via Arnold). What's most important is whether or not people are enjoying the music made using Arnold's amazing dialogue.

The main reason I'm posting this fan email is that it is just amazing in all ways and worth reading! After checking it out, please let me know what you think I should do..."

Dear Austrian Death Machine,

I live in Nebraska on my family's farm, so I often eat the corn that we grow. That's where my love my corn began, but it only gets better from there.

First of all, let me just say that when you live where I live, all of the best music comes through a really cool form of media called Rock Radio. If you don't get it, then you need to because that's where I've found all of the best metal acts.

Next, I heard about this awesome band named KORN that not only misspelled one of my favorite foods to make it even kewler, but their new guitarist totally outdid Tim Lambesis / Austrian Death Machine at making music that sounds brutal in Arnold's honor. Tim can only feel defeat as we speak.

The SCHWARZENATOR music is so good and their humor is so subtle that most people probably are just drawn to how amazing everything sounds. It's just a bonus that the singer sounds exactly like Arnold would if he was really pissed and singing for a metal band. Am I right, or am I right?

Here's a link to a video (see below) of Schwarzenator thrashing. It's just as fierce as Konan the Barbarian and Konan the Destroyer combined. Tim / Austrian Death Machine should give up and just start a Korn tribute band. I challenge him to post the Austrian Death Machine song "Conan, What is Best in Life?" to see how they kompare!


xxx Nu-Metal Forever xxx


Go here to contact Lambesis with your suggestions and to check out Austrian Death Machine audio samples.

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