GUILT MACHINE / Ex-STREAM OF PASSION Guitarist Lori Linstruth - "You Have Mocked My Tab..."

November 17, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news guilt machine stream of passion

BW&BK; scribe Carl Begai recently caught up with GUILT MACHINE / ex-STREAM OF PASSION guitarist Lori Linstruth to discuss the Guilt Machine debut, On This Perfect Day, and her career up to this point. An excerpt from the story is available below:

With regards to her career as a guitarist, Linstruth has been active for several years but didn’t really garner serious public attention until the release of Stream Of Passion’s debut, Embrace The Storm, in 2005

“Stream Of Passion was the first thing I did in music that was signed to a label. The stuff I did before that were mainly demos for my band, Warbride, when I was living in Los Angeles, but we never released anything. There was a compilation thing released ages ago on a tiny, tiny label in the States but nobody would have ever heard of that. There are probably more people who know about Warbride now than back then thanks to my connection to Arjen and my stupid guitar videos that I’ve posted online (laughs).”

Those “stupid guitar videos” (see below) are gold if you’re a fan of sweep picking and fretboard flash. They also offer a look at Linstruth’s shred-abilities as a player, something that may not have come across with Stream Of Passion.

“I started playing guitar again a few years ago, because I quit for a long time,” Linstruth reveals. “Just gave it up. But, I started playing again and I was on this website for guitar players, and one of the requirements for posting a song was that you had to tab eight bars of what you did. I don’t know how to tab; I had to learn the rudiments of tabbing in order to post my little songs there, so I’d pick the easiest parts (laughs). When I started playing guitar as a teenager I didn’t even know tabbing existed. So yeah, I’m a self taught player. I never had lessons or a teacher or anything like that. I just learned from listening and watching people play when I had the chance.”

Go to this location for the complete story. Check out Linstruth's website here.

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