Photographer Ross Halfin - A Week With KISS

December 1, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard kiss reports:

Photographer Ross Halfin shot some amazing photographs of KISS in California. Throughout last week, Ross also blogged about his various experiences with the band. Read the highlights here!

November 19th: "In Los Angeles to shoot, if I have my way, some KISS."

November 20th: "Spoke to Paul Stanley and thinking about it after, I realized he REALLY is a fine man. He returns phone calls, emails and if he says he's going to do something he does it. I like him a great deal. He invited Peter and I to Fresno tomorrow."

November 21st: "FRESNO, YOU WANTED THE BEST YOU GOT THE BEST - THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD - KISS! They were EXCITING. If I could pick one show I enjoyed the most this year it's KISS. It has everything you pay to go to see. You come away HAPPY and I think that is why you go out - to have a good time."

Read more at this location.

Fan-filmed footage from the above mentioned Fresno, CA date can be seen below.

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