TROUBLE Guitarist Bruce Franklin On Singer Kory Clarke - "We Weren't Particularly Lookin For Someone To Sound Just Like Eric Wagner"

December 18, 2009, 14 years ago

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In a new feature with's Laura Wiebe Taylor, TROUBLE guitarist Bruce Franklin discusses, among other things, the band's new singer Kory Clarke (ex-WARRIOR SOUL).

Says Bruce, "We’ve heard some people ask 'why did you pick Kory Clarke, because he’s not a doom metal singer' or 'he doesn’t sound anything like Eric (Wagner)', but we weren’t particularly looking for someone to sound just like Eric, and we weren’t necessarily looking for someone who was just a doom metal singer either.

And we were thinking that maybe we could branch out and do something – a few little twists of things that maybe we’ve never done before with it, with a kind of vocalist like this.

The way I describe it is a cross between the singer from NAZARETH and the first IRON MAIDEN singer PAUL DI'ANNO – it’s a blend of those two voices, I mean, for the sound of his voice. Of course, he has his own style in the way he sings. I suppose maybe it’s not for everyone, especially people that expected somebody who sounds just like Eric because he certainly doesn’t sound like Eric. But he grew up listening to the same kind of stuff we did, and we thought maybe we could do something pretty cool, you know, doing a new record and seeing what might happen with that.”

Read the full feature at this location.

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