Late CRASHDÏET Frontman's Mother - "...Still Makes Me So Sad That My Son Was Alone And Dead In His Apartment For 5 - 6 Days"

January 19, 2010, 14 years ago

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Rock Eyes' Brian Rademacher has issued an interview with Lisbeth Hellman, mother of late CRASHDÏET frontman Dave Lepard. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Well a truly sad day for music fans will arrive shortly as it will mark the passing of your son Dave Lepard on January 20th. That will be four years since the great one has been looking down on us.

A: "Yes, the whole month of January is a bad month! There are so many thoughts, and I’m counting every day until the 20th. But we know that was not the day of David’s death! He was found the 20th. And the doctor said he had been dead for 5 - 6 days… that was that period where no one heard from him. So, the right day will be the 13th. That still makes me so sad and frustrated that my son was alone and dead in his apartment for 5 - 6 days. That hurts. And I can never get rid of that feeling and knowledge. That’s bad."

Q: On that day what goes through your mind?

A: "I feel sick. I still hate this situation.

Q: Do a lot of fans send you wishes on that day to lift your spirits?

A: Yes they do. They are all so kind. They send their love to Dave and their regards to me and his sisters. Many of the fans wrote on the forum ( 'has anybody here talked to Dave? I didn’t get a chance'! And that they are so sad they have never got to talk to him."

Read the complete interview at this location.

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