SYSTEM DIVIDE Complete Recording Debut Album

January 21, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news system divide

Newly announced Metal Blade signings SYSTEM DIVIDE - featuring Sven De Caluwe (ABORTED) and Miri Milman (ex-DISTORTED) on vocals, Cole Martinez (ex-YEARS OF FIRE, ANTENORA) and Joseph Spiller (ex-THE BINARY COD) on guitars, Andrew Lenthe (Antenora) on bass, and Mike Heller (MALIGNANCY) on drums - have issued the following update:

"We've finished recording our Metal blade debut: The Conscious Sedation and now it's in the hands of our master Jacob Hansen that was responsible of the EP The Collapse, we trust him to do a great job again and we can't wait!

Expect the album to have 11-12 tunes of heavy extreme metal madness with blazing guitar leads, crazy kickpatterns, blasts, grooves and melodies along with our own brand of extreme and clean vocals. The album The Conscious Sedation should be out around June on Metal Blade records worldwide so keep your eyes open.

Also keep your eyes open for tour dates in the next coming weeks, System Divide will invade your backyards, bedrooms and porta potties!"

For more info visit

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