SPIRALARMS - "On To The New"

February 2, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news spiralarms

California metallers SPIRALARMS check in with the following update from guitarist Craig Locicero:

"Well, I haven't written one of these blogs for SpiralArms in a long time. A little over a year ago I thought I may never have a reason to. So much has happened and some of you may know a little bit here and there, but ultimately it's not all that important. What is important is that we've survived and conquered all of the business bullshit and self made pit falls along the way.

Anyhow, here we are today with Cornbread, Brad, Ron and Greg, Tim's little big Bro-in tow! Fuckin' A! A real band of Brothers with a massive fucking chemistry! We've been writing and recording our first full length album (did he say album?) for the last 10 months. It's been crazy from my point of view, since I've also been writing a new FORBIDDEN record and touring on and off the entire time. Not to mention laying down tracks for my other project, DEMONICA.

But it's SpiralArms that has been so close to my heart for the last few years, I could not let go. This record is truly a labor of love. Our love for real honest and heartfelt heavy rock n roll. Since the inception of the band, Tim and I felt like we've been chasing the missing link between the perception and reality of what organic heavy music can actually be. Not a to the grid kind of perfect, slick and over-produced mish mash. I think we've attained such a thing without any outside influence looking over our shoulder. I have to say, it's nice to make music without the worry and suits breathing down your neck to conform. I guess we've been down that road before with Systematic and Manmade God. The proof is in the songs and we hold the cards to prove it. I believe Tim has a great ear and has turned into an excellent producer. So much so, that he's going to co-produce the new Forbidden record with myself beginning in March. But that's another story for another day!

Onto the new! We have brand new mix to show you all. A little diddy called 'Blood And Wine'. I think it's a really good representation of where we're coming from now.

Also we have a whole new look to all of our fan sites, spiralarms.com, myspace.com/spiralarms.

And we finally have a Facebook page going as well. We finally drank the kool-aid! Better late then never.

So that's it for now. I had some catching up to do. Hell, SpiralArms has a lot of catching up with our fans to do as well. We hope you can feel the power and sincerity in our newest endeavor. It's as real as it gets and to my ears, it's what rock SHOULD sound like. You are all invited into our souls for this journey to wherever it leads us. And please feel free to let us know what you think."

Further updates to follow.

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