Legendary Photographer Neil Zlozower - "I’m Not A Fix It In The Mix Type Of Guy; I Always Try And Start Out With The Very Best Possible Photo That I Can"

February 7, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news

Rock & Roll’s most famous photographer Neil Zlozower is featured in a new interview with Abort Magazine. An excerpt is available below:

Q: Do you view rock photography as an ‘old boys club’ or do you welcome the new generations of photographers who find themselves in front of their favorite bands in “The pit”?

NZ: "There are people like me, dinosaurs like me, they’re a thing of the past. Most of the people now, its’ all digital, I know people these days who don’t even know how to use a light meter! I’m not necessarily talking about live photography, but they will go into the studio, take a shot at 1/125 at F11, and they will take a shot, they’ll go wow, this is way too bright and step it down to F16 or F22. They don’t even know how to use a meter to get it right the first time. I grew up in the day, when it’s all film, manual focus, manual everything, and you had to think to get a great photo. Back then when you made a great photo, you SHOT a great photo. Now, there are no more shooting great photos, what you do now is “create an image”, its amazing how many photos where they take heads from different frames, go in and remove bags, and whatever they got to do. I mean, I’m not a fix it in the mix type of guy. I always try and start out with the very best possible photo that I can, and take it from there. Whereas, people these days, people just fix shiny faces, triple chins, and stuff like that in Photoshop. That isn’t the way I like to work when I get hired for jobs, you know?"

Go to this location for more. The complete interview is featured in issue #15 of Abort Magazine, available soon.

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