KREATOR Not Playing Upcoming Atlanta Show

March 7, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news kreator

KREATOR webmaster Squeak has issued the following update:

"Kreator would like to clear up all of the confusion regarding the Atlanta show on March 31st at the Masquerade. Kreator is NOT playing this show and has not been part of that last date for over three months. KATAKLYSM is headlining that show and the rest of the tour will be playing, but Kreator will not, regardless of what the club's website and Ticketmaster are showing. We regret that we are not playing Atlanta due to our visas, but we will be back on our next tour!

Another thing that has been brought to our attention is a particular item on eBay. This item has been said to be rare items from the 'private fanclub' (or the 25th anniversary party fanclub release) and are mega-rare, a collectors item, are NUMBERED and even goes as far as to say 'it's the real deal you and do not bid on any false releases.' Well, practice what you preach, because this item is NOT an OFFICIAL Kreator fan club release, nor does it have ANYTHING to do with anything they would EVER press themselves. Now, we have seen many items on eBay in the past that are bootlegs, but if they are very well done, then sometimes we just look away. But this particular item is a blatant "slap in the face". Since eBay has yet to take it off their listings and it has 6 hours left and the bidding is already up to $120, all we can do is send out a warning for people to be careful on what they buy on eBay. Sometimes people WANT those type of items, and that's fine, we just want to make sure REAL fans aren't getting taken advantage of. A big THANK YOU to the person who let Squeak know about this item - you know who you are!"

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