OPETH - Mikael Åkerfeldt Reflects On Anniversary Shows

April 12, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news opeth

OPETH's Mikael Åkerfeldt has issued the following update:

"Swollen feet!

If you guys been on a plane for 15 hours+ you might have experienced it. Fucking disgusting! Maybe it's something that comes with age, anyhooo... I went to the pharmacy and got special flying socks, and problem is gone!

Some words of advice, right? Beware of them jell-o feet!

Lamest beginning of any of my blogs, right... thank you very much...

Got back home last night from the six shows we did celebrating 20 years as a band. Let's see, Stockholm (went OK), Essen (Great), Paris (Great), Holland (off show... horrible!), London (AMAZING!), NYC (Good), LA (OK).

Overall it was a fantastic little trip for all of us, we had a blast. Played three hour shows, started with the whole Blackwater Park album from start to finish, then a little ten minute break, and a second set consisting of: 'Forest Of October', 'Advent', 'April Ethereal', 'The Moor', 'Wreath', 'Hope Leaves', 'Harlequin Forest' and 'The Lotus Eater'.

Crowd was great on all shows, apart from Holland (I mean, some peeps seemed to like us and cheers to them, but we're really ignored AND some TWAT threw a beer in my chest. Same TWAT later posted in the guestbook that he's actually a fan, and 'couldn't believe I could throw 40 yards, sorry, love you guys' Haha! What a TWAT!!! The 'OK' and 'Good' comments above are based on our personal overall feel on stage, some of these shows were plagued with bad stage sound which always makes it a lot more difficult. And we're also quite picky I guess. Either way, crowds for all the six anniversary shows were amazing, these were all sold out shows which was a plus.

Playing the Royal Albert Hall in London is the biggest feather in my rock hat so far. Wow! Just Wow! We took pictures just like DEEP PURPLE did on the 1969 Concerto album. Geeks!

Met a bunch of lovely people, thank you for making this trip so memorable for us. We'd meant to have one night in some pub here in Stockholm, downing a few pints, but it 'escalated' into some of the biggest shows we've ever done.

Now I'm back home... lotsa stuff in the pipeline, some cool things cooking. Next Opeth album being one thing.

BUT, firstly I have to service my two cars (yeah two!!!)... haha they're only Volvos, one a MINT 240 from 1988. Looks like a senior citizen's car actually. They need Summer tyres by Thursday too. I sweeped the driveway today, changed a few lightbulbs, threw out a lot of garbage and picked up the kids early. Good to be back. But soon I'll be itching to go out again I guess.

Everyone's good, and I guess they say hello, although I didn't call em up and ask 'em if they did. Hehe!

I might cancel this MySpace soon actually. I like writing these blogs I guess but it's a little bit too much for me to handle. I want to get down into writing mode and need less things hovering above me. But I'll let you know.

Take care guys


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